Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas

You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept.
You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking.

You should major in:

Natural sciences
Computer science
Creative writing

I thought it was appropriate to look at this little quiz. Right now I am in total flux. I am not sure where I am going and I am trying to figure out how to get there. I am not sure if I want to be a hairdresser anymore. I am thinking more along the metaphysical stuff lately. And I am not sure if this thing helped me at all. Other than I already knew I could come up with good concepts. It is just putting things into practice that has always been difficult for me.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger She who just needs a nap said...

have you tried an abtittude test or two? they might help.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger BlueGoddess said...

no, and I don't really know where to find one for free. The problem is I know what I am good at, But I want to do something that will make me really happy. I still love doing hair. But my confidence is still really shaken. And sometimes I hate the business side of it.


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